Joseph Baez-Assistant to the Pastor
Joseph was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and spent most of his life in Michigan. He was saved as a 12 year old boy at youth camp and began attending Silvery Lane Baptist Church shortly after as a result of their VBS ministry. God called him to preach a year later. In 2019, he left home and enrolled in Tabernacle Baptist College in Greenville, South Carolina where he was trained for the ministry for 4 years. Joseph graduated with honors in May of 2023. The Lord has now directed him back to Michigan to work in his home church. His goal is to reach our community and help our church. He wants to see souls saved and lives changed in our community and to encourage and serve our church the best he can. His heart is for young people. They are our future and he wants to reach them and show them that there is joy in serving the Lord.
Beverly Price
Church/Financial Secretary
Beverly has been an active member of Silvery Lane since the early 1980's. She has been secretary to the pastor for more than thirty-five years. Her love for God and the church are evidenced by her humble spirit and dedication to the work she does faithfully.
David Navalta
Youth Director
David grew up at Silvery Lane Baptist church. After graduating Bible College he returned to work with the teens. He has a heart for the ministry and a love for young people. He not only teaches the Teen Class on Sunday Mornings and leads the teen Spiritual Weapons And Training Class but also coordinates the Youth Choir. We are grateful for David and his work with our young people. They are THE future of America.
Youth Director
David grew up at Silvery Lane Baptist church. After graduating Bible College he returned to work with the teens. He has a heart for the ministry and a love for young people. He not only teaches the Teen Class on Sunday Mornings and leads the teen Spiritual Weapons And Training Class but also coordinates the Youth Choir. We are grateful for David and his work with our young people. They are THE future of America.